Friday, July 04, 2008

a little dedication to charis

i am sick today

and i am still feeling a little queasy typing this now

my family are all down with stomach flu

and i was still so proud to announce that i was the "sole survivor"

me and my big mouth


many things happened this week

not about home

but about school

i kind of feel so lethargic going to school

i just feel that the atmosphere in the class changed

there is unhappiness looming in the air

i starting to feel being disliked by some people


maybe i am being sensitive


i know you are going through a rough time now

but i know you are strong to pull through

i believe in you

look at the situation now and sit down to do some serious thinking

look into your heart and see what you really want,

really desire

things screw up all the time

but people themselves should not be screwed up

i have understood this recently with a little chat with estelle

and you know what, she is right

the clock is ticking away constantly and time waits for nobody

since you have started on the internship, why not continue with it?

there is nothing that is useless

is just how you use it

nobody knows whether it would serve useful in the future years?

i know making decisions is rough

but once made a decision, try not to regret upon it

learnt from it and continue with life

i grant you that everybody makes mistakes in life

so don't brood over it ok?

i believe that there is always a way out

regrading the other matter,

i really cannot comment on that

cause i am in no position to do so

so don't cry anymore

not cute

just to let you know

if there comes a time

when you need a little talk or a little hug to make you feel better,

brendalicious is always here, arms open for you

i really see you as a little sister

and it hurts to see you so stressed


kempatei charis

you can do it


this may not be news to some people already



and i look damn ku ku with it

will update with pictures if possible

i have yet found a good hair day to show my hair in tip top condition


update more later!



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